Lacework for Google Cloud: Security for Orchestration, Multicloud, and Kubernetes

This week, Lacework announced support for Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which further establishes our commitment to customers running workloads in multicloud environments. It comes on the heels of our recent support for Azure, and before that, support for Kubernetes. The net of all of this is that as organizations increase the reach of their data, accounts, and workloads across more platforms and with the help of orchestration tools, they can rely on a security partner who understands the unique security needs of each environment through a single product.

As part of the release, Lacework is also fully integrated with security for Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), which extends our security management for this increasingly popular drive to rely on containers. Kubernetes came out of Google, and so it’s a logical extension for our GCP security support to be applicable for orchestration processes and containerized environments.

With this release, Lacework customers will be able to:

  • Apply host-level intrusion detection that identifies insider attacks that wouldn’t be detected in network traffic.
  • Identify the instance of malicious files and other anomalies in cloud and container environments, as well as the actors who are involved, and then delivers contextual alerts
  • Automatically detect non-compliant account and resource configurations for Google resource types like Google Compute Engine (GCE), Google Cloud Key Management Services (KMS), Google Cloud and Identity Access Management (IAM), and GKE.
  • Reduce meaningless alerts through optimized analysis of behavioral anomalies occurring from a user, workload, and account activity, as well as Kubernetes assets and security risks across clusters, PODS, and nodes.

Especially as more customers display an astute understanding of agile environments, they’re
demonstrating a desire to employ various platforms in order to minimize risk and create purchasing and contractual leverage. Lacework delivers deep visibility and gives customers control over their cloud operations at cloud scale to the monitoring of all activities across all cloud components – accounts, users, apps, containers, machines – in addition to the network layer.


As GCP shows phenomenal growth, it’s also important to remember that Google is the birthplace of Kubernetes, and Lacework’s advocacy for orchestration security has long been a critical piece of how we approach security automation. Lacework was among the first cloud security vendors to highlight the need for rigorous container security; our original research was published earlier this year in a report titled, Containers at Risk: A Review of 21,000 Cloud Environments.

Lacework integration with GCP and support for GKE gives users deep visibility into threats and compliance issues, and it does so by analyzing all GCP (and AWS and Azure) activity against normalized behavior and then highlighting those issues to truly identify risk, not just change.

For GCP and multicloud users, Lacework’s application of machine learning-enabled patterns to understand cloud activity gives security and compliance teams a highly accurate view of what truly needs to be remediated, rather than just a dashboard of signatures and control changes.

We encourage you to see just how Lacework operates with an assessment of your cloud and container environments. It’s a free trial that will deliver a comprehensive overview of compliance misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, anomalies, or hidden threats within your cloud footprint.
