Lacework and AWS

The standard for a secure healthcare cloud

From traditional healthcare providers to digital native healthtech startups, this incredibly dynamic and diverse industry works with the most sensitive personal data.

eBook: Health check up

Solving challenges together

Lacework and AWS collaborate in support of healthcare technology. Healthcare companies - including healthcare providers, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, biotech, and genomics - should be focused on building innovative and game changing technology. Let us worry about securing it.

Can you spot vulnerabilities and misconfigurations?

Fix your riskiest vulnerabilities before an unauthorized event. Continually assess applications to provide developers the guidance needed to fix them.

Are developers evaluating code before it’s shipped?

Build secure healthcare applications from the start so you don’t have to worry about research or trial delays.

How do you detect attacker activity?

It’s important to identify actual unauthorized behavior and quickly take action to stop a cyberattack before it causes real, long-lasting damage.

Do your compliance reports satisfy auditors?

Meet HIPAA and other compliance standards by knowing what’s happening in your environment.

Solution Brief

Healthcare industry – where compliance is paramount and resources are thin

Together, Lacework and AWS can help you securely build better by enriching insights from code to cloud. Take the stress out of risks, auditing, and compliance and free up your teams to focus on your innovation and your strengths.

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Achieving HIPAA compliance


Effective cloud security for healthcare companies

Whether replacing cloud native tools or leveling up your current security solution, Lacework protects your AWS cloud environment and lets you focus on what matters most to the business.

Prioritize and quickly resolve risks

Gain visibility and context around cloud risks to better find and fix your biggest issues.

Find, investigate, and resolve threats

Have a high confidence in your security posture, based on anomaly detection from cloud audit logs and agent-based monitoring.

Work smarter, not harder

Achieve more with your existing team, lowering costs and improving speed.

Be compliant and stay compliant

Achieve continuous cloud compliance on a variety of standards including HIPAA, SOC, and ISO.

Hear from our partners

Whether it is prevention or preparedness, a healthy cloud security program, or compliance health checks, gain insight from our top Lacework and AWS experts who experience it in the field.

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omada logo

What’s really nice about the Lacework UI is that it bubbles up errors. It allows us as security practitioners to be able to understand what’s calling a particular AWS API or endpoint.

Greg Sonier

Senior Director, Information Security

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RapidSOS logo

There’s definitely a benefit to partnering with Lacework and AWS. We’ve already seen increased visibility and service improvements. As the relationship between Lacework and AWS progresses, it will only benefit customers like us.

Ressell K.

Information Security Engineer

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