The cybersecurity tabletop quickstart guide

A simple toolkit for effective tabletop exercises

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Are you ready for modern threats?

Tabletop exercises (TTXs) have become an essential tool for strengthening an organization's cybersecurity posture and ensuring compliance with increasingly strict regulations.

This comprehensive guide provides a step-by-step approach to organizing and initiating effective TTXs. Inside, you'll find:

  • A detailed introduction to tabletop exercises and their role in navigating new regulatory requirements
  • A customizable cybersecurity tabletop exercise scenario template
  • A fully-completed tabletop template example focusing on a cloud ransomware attack
  • Sample expectations and evaluation criteria for ensuring a productive and insightful exercise
  • Comprehensive checklists for pre-exercise, during-exercise, and post-exercise activities

Download the guide now to access a wealth of resources designed to help you plan, execute, and evaluate effective tabletop exercises.