The platform for CWPP and threat detection

Explore how Lacework helps customers gain the visibility and context needed to defend cloud environments with autonomous machine learning.

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From chaos to clarity

A 90% reduction in alerts means a faster threat response. And with composite alerts, you can find active attacks by correlating disparate signals – even weak ones.

Composite alerts

Threat Detection

Composite alerts

Detect active cloud attacks by automatically correlating low severity, disparate security events into a single, high criticality alert.

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Secure your build


Secure your build

Learn how integrating Lacework into your build process can improve visibility and drive valuable insights, and actionable outcomes.

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Polygraph Exposure Feature

Attack Path Analysis

Polygraph Exposure Feature

Find out how your team can quickly find your most exploitable risks by viewing your environment from the lens of an attacker.

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Delivering behavior-based threat detection

Learning how your environment operates and finding anomalous behavior, you can find potential exploits before an attack or vulnerability is known, widely publicized, or patched.

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"We wanted a platform that could combine vulnerability management and cloud compliance. Initially, we were focused on surfacing information through alerts, but once we started integrating Lacework, we realized that we could solve additional use cases in a single interface."

Steve Lukose

Director, Security Engineering

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